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Miniature Sweetshop Gin 50ml


Take yourself back to your childhood and happy memories with this Sweetshop Gin. This unique gin consists of flavours of Parma Violets, Bubblegum,
Candyfloss & Marshmallow. The parma violet taste comes through first then the sweet finishing taste of vanilla, candyfloss, marshmallow and bubblegum leaving a sweet taste.

Serve with any tonic water, lemonade, or rose lemonade be experimental with this gin and have some fun. Garnish with your favourite sweets. The Welsh Llanlyr Source tonic water really compliments this gin.

38% ABV

Buy 2 of our miniatures and get the 2nd miniature  for £6
Discount will be applied at the checkout
*Includes P&P
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Take yourself back to your childhood and happy memories with this Sweetshop Gin. This unique gin consists of flavours of Parma Violets, Bubblegum,
Candyfloss & Marshmallow. The parma violet taste comes through first then the sweet finishing taste of vanilla, candyfloss, marshmallow and bubblegum leaving a sweet taste.

Serve with any tonic water, lemonade, or rose lemonade be experimental with this gin and have some fun. Garnish with your favourite sweets. The Welsh Llanlyr Source tonic water really compliments this gin.

38% ABV

Buy 2 of our miniatures and get the 2nd miniature  for £6
Discount will be applied at the checkout
*Includes P&P
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